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Add:No. 8, Weier Rd., North of Economic Development Zone, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

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Armed with top R&D team, based on rubber industrial technology&frontiers of science and technology, China star established cooperative relationship with domestic and international authoritative research&scientific research institutions such as Qingdao University of Science&Technology, Beijing Research&Design Institute of Rubber Industry, innovation enterprise of University of Oxford, to participate in the products, technology development fully, provide green, energy-saving, Eco-friendly rubber additive products for the global rubber industry.

China star has a huge investment every year to involved in the development of new, environmentally friendly, energy-saving production technology and equipment. Currently we have declared 3 related patents and obtained 9 practical new patents.

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Add:No. 8, Weier Rd., North of Economic Development Zone, Suqian, Jiangsu, China

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